Shaikh al- Uthaymeen(rahimhuAllah) was asked about the ruling on" intentionally removing the
socks(were put on with Taharrah) before performing wudu(ablution)?
He answered(rahimhuAllah),"Firstly, this is something which is against the Sunnah.
Secondly, that is meaning imitating the Rafidha those who forbid the wiping over the khufayn (leather socks) and over whatever is in their place such as socks, sandals, and the Prophet (sala Allah alayh wa salam) told Mughira bin Shu'ba when he was helping the Prophet make wudu....He wants to take off the Prophet's Khuff (leather socks), the Prophet (sala Allah alayh wa salam) said, "Leave them, I've put them on after performing Wudu(ablution), and he wiped over them with his wet hands"(Majmu'fatawa shaikh al-Uthaymeen)
حكم خلع الجوربين عند كل وضوء احتياطاً للطهارةsocks(were put on with Taharrah) before performing wudu(ablution)?
He answered(rahimhuAllah),"Firstly, this is something which is against the Sunnah.
Secondly, that is meaning imitating the Rafidha those who forbid the wiping over the khufayn (leather socks) and over whatever is in their place such as socks, sandals, and the Prophet (sala Allah alayh wa salam) told Mughira bin Shu'ba when he was helping the Prophet make wudu....He wants to take off the Prophet's Khuff (leather socks), the Prophet (sala Allah alayh wa salam) said, "Leave them, I've put them on after performing Wudu(ablution), and he wiped over them with his wet hands"(Majmu'fatawa shaikh al-Uthaymeen)
سُئل العلامة ابن عثيمين -رحمه الله -: عن حكم خلع الجوربين عند كل وضوء احتياطاً للطهارة ؟
فأجاب - رحمه الله -بقوله : هذا خلاف السنة وفيه تشبه بالروافض الذين لا يجيزون المسح على الخفين ، والنبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم - قال للمغيرة بن شعبة -حينما أراد نزع خفيه فقال((:دَعْهما، فإني أَدخَلتُهما طاهِرَتَينِ . فمسَح عليهما .))
فتاوى العثيمين ج11 ص159ï»