الْحَمْدُ لِلهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ وَالصَّلاةُ وَالسَّلامُ عَلَى رَسُولِ اللهِ
أما بعدُ:
أما بعدُ:
The questioner says: it's spread between seekers of knowledge "trimming of the beard", I wish a directive for it.
Shaykh al-Fawzan -may Allah protect him-: those aren't seekers of knowledge.
Trimming of the beard?! Those aren't seekers of knowledge.
The seekers of knowledge; who are Acting upon the Sunnah, and the Sunnah is to grow out a beard (1), who are trimming the beard aren't seekers of knowledge.
In the most authentic book after the Quran; Sahih al-Bukhari,hadith that the Prophet- sala Allah alih wa salam -said: (( trim the mustache, grow the beards, and distinguish yourself from the Pagan)) means ;do the opposite of what the Pagan do; trim your mustache short, and grow your beards.]
you can look on this link, if you wish to read the piece in Arabic.
Shaykh al-Fawzan -may Allah protect him-: those aren't seekers of knowledge.
Trimming of the beard?! Those aren't seekers of knowledge.
The seekers of knowledge; who are Acting upon the Sunnah, and the Sunnah is to grow out a beard (1), who are trimming the beard aren't seekers of knowledge.
In the most authentic book after the Quran; Sahih al-Bukhari,hadith that the Prophet- sala Allah alih wa salam -said: (( trim the mustache, grow the beards, and distinguish yourself from the Pagan)) means ;do the opposite of what the Pagan do; trim your mustache short, and grow your beards.]
you can look on this link, if you wish to read the piece in Arabic.