الْحَمْدُ لِلهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ وَالصَّلاةُ وَالسَّلامُ عَلَى رَسُولِ اللهِ وَبَعْد:
Shaikh Rabee ibn Hadee al Madkhale(( may Allah protect him) said :in
Have a look at this part into page 32.
O my brother
Don't roam around freely with" the life, desires, obsessions, and corrupt thoughts"
Try to think positively thinking about what is very beneficial for you.
Try to behave "Prudently"
Try to be waiting for" Death", so that if you're in the evening don't wait for the morning, and vice versa.
Don't leave "Hopes" are roomy, loosely
,and "Durations "are increasing longer.
You want to build palaces, & to own houses.
Instead of that
You do need to shorten your hope.
If yourself "being spoiled" have try with it (if refusal to comply) then fasten it securely in position that you can handle it.
It needs to be addressed
Behave wisely
That is Allah's religion
(wa Allah) you don't know when it is, and when death will surprise you, when you die, and in anyway
You must rooming piety with you for
all the cases
((Fear Allah wherever you are))
You have to worship Allah subhanh wa ta'ala.
((To worship Allah as if you see Him, if you can't see Him, you know surely that He sees you.))
With all those noble sentiments, and this
sense of noble, the heart becomes alive.
But If the heart was dead, and lost all those feeling (wl iyazu be Allah) then wait for every Scourge (wl iyazu be Allah)-
Pure heart like a clean white dress it doesn't accept any spot.
Dead Heart it doesn't feel, even If slaughters with knife,even if you stabbed it with knives, daggers and spears, it never feels.
It's dead.
We ask Allah for the good wellness .
O my brother
Don't roam around freely with" the life, desires, obsessions, and corrupt thoughts"
Try to think positively thinking about what is very beneficial for you.
Try to behave "Prudently"
Try to be waiting for" Death", so that if you're in the evening don't wait for the morning, and vice versa.
Don't leave "Hopes" are roomy, loosely
,and "Durations "are increasing longer.
You want to build palaces, & to own houses.
Instead of that
You do need to shorten your hope.
If yourself "being spoiled" have try with it (if refusal to comply) then fasten it securely in position that you can handle it.
It needs to be addressed
Behave wisely
That is Allah's religion
(wa Allah) you don't know when it is, and when death will surprise you, when you die, and in anyway
You must rooming piety with you for
all the cases
((Fear Allah wherever you are))
You have to worship Allah subhanh wa ta'ala.
((To worship Allah as if you see Him, if you can't see Him, you know surely that He sees you.))
With all those noble sentiments, and this
sense of noble, the heart becomes alive.
But If the heart was dead, and lost all those feeling (wl iyazu be Allah) then wait for every Scourge (wl iyazu be Allah)-
Pure heart like a clean white dress it doesn't accept any spot.
Dead Heart it doesn't feel, even If slaughters with knife,even if you stabbed it with knives, daggers and spears, it never feels.
It's dead.
We ask Allah for the good wellness .