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تحميل التطبيق الرسمي لموسوعة الآجري

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الإبلاغ عن مشكلة في المنتدى

تساعدنا البلاغات الواردة من الأعضاء على منتدى الآجري في تحديد المشكلات وإصلاحها في حالة توقف شيء ما عن العمل بشكل صحيح.
ونحن نقدّر الوقت الذي تستغرقه لتزويدنا بالمعلومات عبر مراسلتنا على بريد الموقع ajurryadmin@gmail.com
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فهرسة جميع الشروح المتوفرة على شبكة الإمام الآجري [مبوبة على حسب الفنون] أدخل يا طالب العلم وانهل من مكتبتك العلمية

بسم الله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله -صلى الله عليه - وعلى آله ومن ولاه وبعد :

فرغبة منا في تيسير العلم واشاعته بين طلابه سعينا لتوفير جميع المتون وشروحها المهمة لتكوين طلبة العلم ، وقد قطعنا شوطا لابأس به في ذلك ولله الحمد والمنة وحده ، إلا أنه إلى الآن يعاني بعض الأعضاء والزوار من بعض الصعوبات في الوصول للشروح والمتون المرادة لتداخل الشروح أو لقلة الخبرة التقنية .

من أجل هذا وذاك جاء هذا الموضوع ليكون موضوعا مرجعا جامعا مرتبا بإذن الله لكل المواد العلمية الموضوعة حاليا في شبكتنا ومرتبا على حسب أبواب الفنون العلمية (العقيدة، الفقه، الحديث،...)وسنحاول أيضا ترتيبها على مستويات الطلب (المبتدئ ، المتوسط ، المنتهي) سيتم تحديثه تبعا بعد إضافة أي شرح جديد .

من هـــــــــــنا
شاهد أكثر
شاهد أقل

الكلام في السياسة أمام عامة الناس-للشيخ ابن عثيمين رحمه الله ،Political Discussion in front of the general public – Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
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مشاركات جديدة

  • [English] الكلام في السياسة أمام عامة الناس-للشيخ ابن عثيمين رحمه الله ،Political Discussion in front of the general public – Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen

    Political Discussion in front of the general public – Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen (May Allah have mercy on him):

    Dear respected Sheikh: We find a great deal of political discussion in some gatherings. When you would prevent them from such rhetoric, they would say: “Politics is part of the religion (deen)”. But rather they actually fall into backbiting. What makes their gatherings unique is that they include the remembrance of Allah in them. So what is your opinion of me joining them?

    The answer: My opinion is that political talk in front of the general public (lay persons) is wrong. This is because politics has its people (specialists/experts). Its people are those of authority and governance. However for political speech to be disseminated to the common people at their gatherings is in stark contradiction to the guidance of the pious predecessors. Omar ibn Al-Khattab and those before him such as Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with them both) would never broadcast their political views or agendas to the common gatherings of the people such that the young and old, the foolish and the learned would participate in it. Politics should not be as such. There are those in the field of politics who know and understand its application. They have inside and outside relations where many people do not know and/or have.

    Youth and others must not spend their time or waste it on such idle talk that does not bring any benefit. For example, it may actually seem to us that an action of one person is wrong when he may actually be correct, because he knows of matters that we do not. This is something experienced and witnessed. Most of those who speak of politics derive things from things that do not have any roots or truth to it. It is illusions they imagine where they establish on it what they speak of. They follow that which they do not have knowledge of. As Allah (May He Be Glorified) says: “And follow not that of which you have no knowledge. Verily, the hearing, and the sight, and the heart of each of those ones will be questioned (by Allah).” [Surat Al-Israa, verse 36]

    Regarding joining their gatherings, join them so long as they are in remembrance (of Allah). But when they engage into these discussions of no benefit, then advise them first. If they are guided, then this is what is needed, otherwise turn away from them. On the other hand, if the very status of you joining their gatherings (that are for remembrance of Allah) leads them to brag of themselves or others brag that you join them unlike others where it becomes to be said: “if such and such people were not on truth (good) then so and so would not have joined them”. If this happens then do not join them either even if their gatherings were of remembrance (of Allah) because the opportunities of remembrance, all thanks is due to Allah, are many.

    [Source: Liqaa’ Al-Baab Al-Maftuuh’ 96]

    Translated by Saleem Sinokrot -may Allah reward him
